2013 NRA Convention
June 4, 2013June 5th WOD
June 6, 2013
Fitness begins with a single step…
Today is day two being at home and my “To Do” list is seemingly endless. With that being said, I still managed to schedule time to prepare food for the week (ground elk tacos on corn tortillas) and get a short workout in.
I am sore today from my cardio workout yesterday. Not a good sign.
Taking the steps to make sure my nutrition would be on point for the week and getting my short workout in, I am one day healthier and on track!
45 Minutes Target Heart Rate Stair Climber
45 Minutes Target Heart Rate Elliptical
Armour 39 Report-
Calories: 642 Average Heart Rate: 137 Average Intensity- 47% Duration: 1:17:39 WillPower: 6.4