Top 5 Tips for Baiting Bears On Public Land – Kristy Titus
NWTF Crooked River National Grasslands Habitat Restoration
May 6, 2019
Dead Down Wind- Any Hunt. Anytime. Anywhere.
June 6, 2019
NWTF Crooked River National Grasslands Habitat Restoration
May 6, 2019
Dead Down Wind- Any Hunt. Anytime. Anywhere.
June 6, 2019

Top 5 Tips for Baiting Bears On Public Land

As citizens of the United States, we are blessed with the opportunity to hunt the land that we commonly own- our public lands. As a hunter and conservationist, harvesting bears is an important aspect of sound wildlife management practices. Having the ability to construct a bait site on public land- where it is legal, is a great way to hunt bears. Click the link below to read my article in Guns America #Hunt365 for my top 5 tips for baiting bears on public land that have worked for me.

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